THE BOOK “Digital and Music Strategies”
While the French version, published by IRMA editions, was sold out after a few months only, the “Music and digital strategies” guide by Virginie Berger is now available in English. As music consumption patterns become increasingly mobile and connected, “Music and digital strategies” offers artists, labels, producers, media and managers tips to use digital marketing in order to optimize the promotion and distribution of artistic works.
“Books like this one are essential tools for modern musicians seeking to understand the realities of the digital marketplace, the technologies available to creative artists and the methods and case studies of successful acts who have carved a path to success that others can learn from” states Dave Kusek, founder and former Director of who prefaced the book.
How to develop relationships between artists and fans, how to implement the online presence, how to monetize content: Virginie Berger, based on her own experience and several detailed case studies, addresses every solution to help the music industry actors to reposition themselves at the heart of a connected and competitive environment.
“Music and digital strategies” is available on Amazon and i-Tunes.
Here are some articles Virginie Berger wrote in english:
MIDEM: More than 15 white papers.
Among them:
- Virginie Berger: Digital music: New tools for new needs – exclusive white paper
- Virginie Berger: Marketing Music on Facebook – exclusive white paper
- Virginie Berger: Music Content Strategy Wrap-Up – midem exclusive white paper
- Virginie Berger: Freeconomics | MIDEM exclusive white paper
- Virginie Berger: Do it Yourself & Direct to Fan | MIDEM exclusive white paper
- Well, what is a good digital music strategy ? Part 1 – Introduction and Website
- Music In Real Time: Keep Up Or Get Left Behind (” I came across a fantastic “must read” blog post from France” Mike Masnick )
Digital Music Trends; This week on Digital Music Trends Andrea Leonelli (@digimusictrends), Virginie Berger (@virberg), Karim Fanous (@Karim_Fanous) and Taishi Fukuyama (@tshfkym) discuss Microsoft’s move into streaming with Xbox music, Spotify’s potential launch in Japan as well as the evolution of the market over there, anti-piracy measures and costs in France, Japan and the UK, the problem of accurate reporting
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